A day in the life

As a single working mom and freelancer living in Baguio, Philippines, each day can be a unique blend of work, parenting, and personal responsibilities. Here’s a snapshot of a typical day:

5:30 am – Wake up and prepare breakfast for myself and my kiddo.
6:00 am – Get my kiddo ready for school and drop them off.
7:00 am – Start work, responding to emails, and checking in with clients.
9:00 am – Attend virtual meetings and work on projects.
12:00 pm – Take a break for lunch and spend time with my kiddo.
1:00 pm – Work on ongoing projects and meet deadlines.
3:00 pm – Pick up my kiddo from school and spend time together.
5:00 pm – Prepare dinner for my family.
6:00 pm – Attend to personal errands, such as grocery shopping or paying bills.
7:00 pm – Spend quality time with my kiddo, helping with homework or playing games.
9:00 pm – Finish up any remaining work tasks and plan for the next day.
10:00 pm – Wind down and get ready for bed.

As a single working mom and freelancer, each day can be full of challenges and opportunities. With careful planning and organization, it’s possible to balance work, family, and personal responsibilities to create a fulfilling and rewarding life.

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Hello! I’m Anj.